A WordPress designer holding a book on a white tray.

Self awareness is your superpower

Here are some of the tools I've loved, and explored over the years to help me uncover my strengths, and weaknesses, and build a business that supports me in all areas. 

Knowing yourself and your unique strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies can help you make better decisions, build stronger relationships, and tap into your full potential as a creative entrepreneur. I know, because I’ve experienced it myself. So much so, I’d kinda consider myself a self-awareness junkie. 

Here are some of the tools I’ve loved, and explored over the years to help me uncover my strengths, and weaknesses, and build a business that supports me in all areas. 

Natal chart

I worked with Kristy Gray to explore my natal chart, which is a natal chart is a snapshot of the sky at the moment you were born and can reveal your unique strengths, challenges, and opportunities. By understanding your natal chart, you can tap into your natural gifts and talents and align your work with your purpose. For example, if your chart shows a strong emphasis on creativity and communication, you might be well-suited to a career in design, copywriting, website development or marketing. For me, my sun, moon and rising are all in Aries, which signifies a fiery, independent, and action-oriented personality, with a natural inclination towards leadership. As a creative entrepreneur, I am best suited for a career where I have the freedom to work on my own terms. By understanding your natal chart, you can make more informed decisions about your career path and pursue work that feels aligned with your true nature. 

Human Design

Human Design is a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and other esoteric traditions to create a unique map of your energy. By understanding your Human Design, you can learn about your unique gifts, challenges, and strategies for success. For example, if your design type is a Generator, you might find that you thrive when you’re doing work that feels deeply satisfying and aligned with your purpose. If your design type is a Projector, like me, you might find that you thrive when you’re able to work in short bursts of focused energy and rest deeply in between. As a Projector, my natural gifts lie in guiding and directing others, and I’ve been told it’s my path to work as a consultant or coach (hellllo Women Wealth WordPress!). By understanding your Human Design, you can make choices that are in harmony with your natural energy, such as scheduling your workday to include rest and allowing yourself the time to reflect and plan before taking action. You can make choices that are in harmony with your natural energy and avoid burnout and frustration.


The Enneagram is another powerful tool for self-awareness. The Enneagram is a personality system that identifies nine distinct types of people and their core motivations, fears, and tendencies. By understanding your Enneagram type, you can gain insights into your strengths and weaknesses as a designer and entrepreneur. For example, if you’re a Type 3 (like me), you might be highly goal-oriented and driven to succeed. You might find that you’re most successful when you set clear goals for your business, track your success, and feel like you’re constantly making progress.


Finally, the Myers-Briggs theory is a popular tool for self-awareness. The Myers-Briggs theory identifies 16 distinct personality types based on four dichotomies: Extraversion vs. Introversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving. By understanding your Myers-Briggs type, you can gain insights into your communication style, decision-making process, and work preferences. For example, if you’re an INFP, you might prefer to work independently and prioritize creativity and authenticity in your work. Or if you’re an ENFJ (like me) these personality types are known for their warm, charismatic, and empathetic personalities; they often excel in careers that allow them to use their communication skills to inspire and motivate others. They have a natural ability to understand people’s motivations and needs, and are able to use this insight to bring out the best in others. By understanding your Myers-Briggs type, you can build a business that aligns with your unconscious tendencies and preferences.


So how can you use these tools to build a successful design business? First, take the time to explore each of these systems and learn more about yourself. There are so many resources available online and in books to help you understand these theories. Once you have a good understanding of your unique strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies, you can use this knowledge to make more informed decisions about your career path, marketing strategies, and business goals.

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